Cinnamon – The gift of nature

Cinnamon is a fantastic and familiar spice in our daily lives. It has been used for centuries and has many benefits for our health. Here are 10 unexpected benefits of cinnamon: 

1. Cinnamon fights cold, flatulence

Cinnamon is very effective in fighting cold season infections like colds or flu. In addition to its antioxidant properties, this little brown spice is an excellent source of essential minerals like manganese, iron, and calcium. Thus, it helps to strengthen the immune system and clears the respiratory tract in case of a cold.

In addition, when you add cinnamon to your diet, it will significantly reduce bloating thanks to its digestive properties. Cinnamon’s antioxidants help soothe diarrhea, colic, and symptoms of fermentation such as bloating and gas. Therefore, cinnamon improves the intestinal transit of food. To feel the benefits, you should take cinnamon in the form of an herbal tea.

2. Supporting the treatment of foot fungus, deodorize

Tinea pedis is a fungal infection that usually affects the skin between the toes. With its cleansing properties, cinnamon essential oil is recommended to combat fungal skin diseases, especially the microscopic Candida fungi. Cinnamaldehyde, the main component of cinnamon, is one of the most active compounds in these fungi.

3. Supporting weight loss

Cinnamon helps to purify the digestive system, promoting weight loss. Cinnamon is also known to be a natural fat burner. It speeds up metabolism and burns excess calories, which in turn leads to fat loss. Cinnamon makes you feel full faster, thus naturally reducing your daily calorie intake.


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