1. Basic information:

Website: https://vntc.net.vn/ owned by Vietnam Tropical Products Company Limited (VNTC)
These general policies and regulations relate to the Customer’s use of VNTC’s website.
When customers access or log in to this website, customers have accepted and agreed to these general policies and regulations and the policies and regulations of information security policy from VNTC.
If the customer does not agree with any of the terms below, please do not access VNTC’s website. This general policy and regulation is considered a contract between the Customer and VNTC and is applied when the Customer uses VNTC’s website. These general policies and regulations affect the interests of the Customer, please read carefully before using.

2. Changes to General Policy and Regulations

VNTC reserves the right to change these general policies and regulations at any time without prior notice to customers. Customers can view the most up-to-date version of these general policies and regulations by clicking on “General Policies and Regulations” at VNTC’s homepage. This updated version will replace all old versions. If a customer accesses VNTC’s website after there are changes to the general policies and regulations, it means that the customer has agreed to these changes.

3. Link Website Link

These general policies and regulations apply to all Customers using VNTC’s website. This website may contain links to third party websites not owned by VNTC. Accordingly, VNTC has no control over the content, information security policy or other content contained in third-party websites. Furthermore, VNTC will not be able to censor content on third-party websites. Therefore, VNTC encourages customers to carefully read the information security policies of the third-party websites that customers visit.

4. Regulations on the use of VNTC . website

VNTC agrees to let customers use the website as specified in the terms of service, specifically: (i) not copy or provide any information of this website to third parties; (ii) Customer may not replace or modify any part of this website; (iii) Customers must follow the general policy and regulations for using the service.
Customer agrees not to use any automated system to access the website and send more requested information to VNTC’s servers than an average person can do by using the website normally in a single day. certain amount of time. Customer agrees not to collect any personal information from the website, including account name; and do not use the communication systems provided by the website for any commercial purpose.

5. Technical Disclaimer

Customers agree that when using VNTC’s website, customers will accept their own risks that may occur. VNTC does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the content on the website or the content of any website linked to the VNTC website and we have no right and no liability for any errors or omissions. or inaccurate, personal injury or property damage arising spontaneously in the process of accessing and using VNTC’s website, interrupting or terminating the transmission of information to VNTC’s website, errors, viruses, or other similar issues that may be communicated through our website by third parties; and errors or omissions in the content or loss or damage resulting from the use of postings, emails, transmissions or the like from the VNTC website. VNTC will not warrant and be responsible for any third party products, services or promotions through VNTC’s website and VNTC is not responsible for monitoring any customer transactions with VNTC. third-party. When buying products and services through intermediaries, customers should decide for themselves what is reasonable.

6. Limitations on legal obligations

VNTC does not accept any liability to the customer in any case including direct, indirect, incidental, special, intentional damage or any problems resulting from the The following topics: erroneous or inaccurate content, personal harm or property damage arising in the course of accessing and using VNTC’s website, interrupting or terminating the transmission of information to our website I, errors, viruses, or the like may be transmitted through the VNTC website by third parties; and errors or omissions in the content or loss or damage caused by the use of posted content, emails, transmissions or the like from VNTC’s website, the company will not be responsible for any possible damages. this happen. The aforementioned limitations on legal obligations shall apply to the extent required by the laws of Vietnam.
Customers need to be aware that VNTC will not be responsible for the registration of personal information